Friday, September 10, 2021

I have been googling the title of this and also my older, deleted blogs and have mostly smiled at the odd places where my rambling incoherency has appeared either with approval or opprobrium. I once wrote an entire book and it exists on the interwebs. It was unlike thw ritings here. I did not just sit down, press play and then write whatever came into my mind, as I do here. But still, the book was dreadful. But I am tempted to write it again. I don't have the time, of course. Three kids and school and climate change and all the others but I do hope to accomplish something while I am in my mid-life pause of sorts. Maybe I will start up here again. I promised a thing, all about my favorite/the best albums of all time, but I did not deliver. I was listening to the Dylans yesterday. Maybe I could write about it. Is it the greatest album of all time? No. It's mostly bad, not like my novel bad, but mediocre and we can't stand still for mediocrity. But it did come packed with nostalgia, long drives to Ann Arbor with the window down early in the morning because I was unprepared for a physical chemistry exam so I would arrive at school at 4am, study then nap for 30 minutes and go in and do rather well on the test, quite surprisingly. College now is different, I spend approximately 1-2 hours per week on three courses and have an unblemished academic record after nearly 100 credits. Demand more from your professors comrades! I am old, I already know everything that is considered important, but YOU!, you, are being denied the rigor which shall or actually shall not mold your character! Besides, I just discovered that many of my baseball cards from when I was a child are worth thousands but how to sell without some scoundrel taking advantage of my innocence? Perhaps I will just finish our family budget and install a sprinkler system.